Dapr (Distributed ApplicationRuntime) is a free and open source runtime system designed to support cloud native and serverless computing.[2] Its initial release supported SDKs and APIs for Java, .NET, Python, and Go, and targeted the Kubernetes cloud deployment system. The power of Dapr lies in its building blocks and built-in components. Building blocks such as state management, bindings and pubsub allow developers to quickly build microservices with a common set of APIs.

Exchanging components, such as replacing Redis with PostgreSQL as the state store, does not require a change in application code but a different yaml component file. Event Mesh The Event Mesh is an architectural construct to link together event brokers no matter where they are deployed. In the illustration below, you have an event broker that is deployed in various locations – on-prem, public and private clouds. In addition, you have various dapr/non-dapr microservices deployed across these environments. The Event Mesh takes care of routing data across locations and clouds in a guaranteed fashion, and your dapr microservices will take care of processing the data. The talk will include a demo and some code sharing.

The Dapr Event Mesh


Thomas Kunnumpurath

Thomas Kunnumpurath

VP of Systems Engineering


Thomas Kunnumpurath is the Vice President of Systems Engineering for Americas at Solace where he leads a field team across the Americas to solution the Solace PubSub+ Platform across a wide variety of industry verticals such as Finance, Retail, IoT and manufacturing. Prior to joining Solace, Thomas spent over a decade of his career leading engineering teams responsible for building out large scale globally distributed systems for real time trading systems and credit card systems at various banks.
Marc Duiker

Marc Duiker

Developer Advocate


Marc is a Sr Developer Advocate at Diagrid with a strong focus on event-driven architectures. He loves helping developers to achieve more every day. You might have seen Marc at a developer meetup or conference since he's a regular speaker in the area of Azure cloud & serverless technologies. He started Azure Functions University, a free and open source learning curriculum on GitHub, where everyone can learn about Azure Functions at their own pace. From 2019 to 2023 Marc received the Microsoft Azure MVP award for his community contributions.