To kick off EDA Summit 2023, our conference emcee Mark Jeffries will welcome to the main stage a series of EDA thought leaders who will share their unique perspectives on where EDA stands today, where it’s going, and how it will get there.
Zynn Webster of Danone will explain how the leading food company has used EDA to accelerate digital manufacturing with a connectivity strategy called Cortex, and Eric Johnson of AWS will talk about the critical role asynchronous interactions and EDA play in their strategy.
In sneak peeks of talks they’ll give later in the day, IDC’s Shari Lava will introduce the findings of an EDA survey they recently published, and Forrester’s David Mooter will touch on the two kinds of event brokres, and how to pick the right one for each use case.
Solace’s CEO Denis King will walk through the 4 steps every organization needs to take to become event-driven, and Mark will wrap things up by moderating a VIP panel featuring Denis, Boomi’s Ed Macosky, Google’s Vikas Anand, and SAP’s Bhagat Nainani.

Mark Jeffries
MC & Moderator

Eric Johnson
Principal Developer Advocate

Ed Macosky
Head of Product

Vikas Anand
Director of Product

Bhagat Nainani
Senior Vice President, Product Development

Denis King

Shari Lava
Research Director, Automation

Zynn Webster
Digital Manufacturing