Seven years ago, Amadeus embarked on the transformative journey of embracing EDA. They created a cloud-native platform that was based on microservices and leveraged Apache Kafka as an event streaming backbone. Since that time, EDA has proliferated across most of their applications, making cross-application event-driven integration a top priority. This led them to design and implement a truly global event mesh that enables applications to efficiently and autonomously share events no matter where in the world they are deployed.

In this talk, Beuzit will outline their strategy and highlight some potential pitfalls of improper event-driven integration like a lack of visibility and reusability, as well as the significant benefits of getting it right. They will focus on how they automated event publication and consumption of events across applications and regions by using Kubernetes operator, ArgoCD, and Solace PubSub+ Platform to build a solution that’s fully integrated into their software development flow.

How Amadeus Uses a Global Event Mesh to Make Travel Work Better


Serge Beuzit

Senior Architect


“Currently Senior Architect at Amadeus I worked on release engineering, high availability application development, platform design, cloud computing and many other topics. A few...

More about Serge Beuzit

Nuno Gaspar

Sr. Software Engineer


“Senior Software Engineer, I joined a team specializing in event-driven and microservice architectures four years ago. Before that, I pursued a PhD focusing on...

More about Nuno Gaspar