Dapr is a CNCF open-source runtime that supports cloud native and serverless computing by providing API building blocks and built-in components that let developers quickly build distributed applications.

In this session Fussell and Gibbons will dive into Dapr’s pub/sub API and show how easy it makes it to build message-based, event-driven applications using different pub/sub brokers. This enables portability of your code, and ability to change runtime decisions. They will dive into Dapr pub/sub capabilities such as guaranteed at least once delivery, topic-based security and many more features, showing examples in different languages include Java, .NET, Python, and Go.

Building Portable Event-Driven Applications with Dapr


Mark Fussell

Mark Fussell



Mark is the CEO of Diagrid, a developer-focused startup. Leader with proven track record of building innovative computing platforms, running large scale, cloud services, building OSS communities and starting new businesses.
Alice Gibbons

Alice Gibbons

Customer Success Engineer


Alice is a customer success engineer working to solve developer issues on Dapr and Diagrid.