Jeff Pollock
VP, Product Development
Mr. Pollock is an expert technology leader for data platforms, big data, data integration and governance. Jeff has been CTO at successful startups and a senior exec at Fortune 100 tech vendors. He is currently VP of Products and Cloud Services for Data Replication, Streaming Data and DB Migrations. At IBM, he was responsible for all Information Integration and Data Governance products, previously Jeff was an independent architect for US Defense Department, Vice President of Technology at Cerebra and Chief Technical Officer of Modulant – he has been engineering artificial intelligence based data platforms since 2001. As a business consultant, Mr. Pollock was a Head Architect at Ernst & Young’s Center for Technology Enablement.
Jeff is also the author of “Semantic Web for Dummies” and “Adaptive Information,” a frequent keynote at industry conferences, author for books and industry journals, formerly a contributing member of W3C and OASIS, and an engineering instructor with UC Berkeley’s Extension for object-oriented systems, software development process and enterprise architecture.