In the high-frequency arena of financial markets, where split-second decisions can make all the difference, access to the freshest market data is paramount. Join smartTrade on a journey to discover how they built an ultra-low latency market data platform, leveraging the power of event-driven architecture (EDA) in collaboration with Solace.

Witness the evolution from an initial proof-of-concept to a robust production-ready platform, and discover how EDA was instrumental in addressing key considerations like dynamic message flow control, intelligent filtering, and seamless integration with diverse market data sources. Learn how the platform we’ve built prioritizes the delivery of the most up-to-date market information, even under peak load conditions, empowering financial institutions to react to market changes with agility and precision.

Attendees will explore the future of financial technology, where EDA unlocks unparalleled speed, efficiency, and opportunity in the world of market data.

Taming the Torrent: EDA for Ultra-Low Latency Market Data


Eric Deshayes

Managing Director Platforms Product Business Group


With an engineering degree from Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Eric started working as a software engineer at Amadeus, Application Networks, Thomson Reuters before joining...

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